When we founded Infoscitex in 2000, we set out to create a dynamic corporation committed to excelling in the Defense, Aerospace, Life Sciences, Energy, and Environment markets. Infoscitex flourished for years as a creative niche firm providing innovative solutions to banner organizations such as Corning Incorporated, Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, and the U.S. Air Force. We established ourselves as a highly competent firm with a reputation for developing smart, effective, solutions, which met the unique requirements of our varied customers.
Our employees have successfully completed in excess of 600 programs requiring a broad array of marketing and technology capabilities and our efforts have been rewarded by excellent growth. Since IST’s founding, our financial performance has been stellar, as we have consistently increased yearly revenue, earned a profit every year, and maintained an excellent credit rating. Recognition for our performance is reflected in our inclusion in the Inc 500 Listas one of America’s fastest growing private firms for the past 3 years.
Our success is driven by the dedication to developing innovative technology solutions in a quality manner for our customers. We accomplish this by recruiting and retaining excellent employees, using superior tools and resources, and leveraging industry proven best practices.
Truly great thinking requires crossing boundaries. Our unique advantage is that our employees possess diverse experiences across a wide spectrum of agencies, programs, and technologies. Our multidisciplinary teams are essential to developing the high impact solutions that Infoscitex provides.
Access and proximity are essential to successful programs. Infoscitex invests heavily in facilities and resources that enable our employees to provide our capabilities to customers throughout the United States. State of the art equipment, laboratories, computer equipment, data repositories, and software systems can be leveraged by our employees to deliver holistic solutions on a localized or national basis.
Today's organizations have to cope with shorter project life cycles and demands for higher customer service levels. Efficiency and overall program performance is driven by the effective utilization of knowledge and processes. Our employees have developed proven methods based on industry best practices that enable them to consistently exceed customer expectations. At the same time, we fully understand the unique needs of each and every customer, and our methodologies are readily tailored to the specific needs of the situation.